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landlord’s confirm letter
英国房东出据的确认信  detail>>
1.地主 (the landlord class 地主阶级。 the despotic landlord 恶霸地主)。 2.(旅馆等的)店主;房东。  detail>>
the landlord
大地主  detail>>
 vt.  1.使更坚固[坚定,坚强]。 2.(进一步)证实[确定]。 3.【法律】使有效,确认,批准,认可。 4.【宗教】给…行按手礼[坚...  detail>>
confirm in
使更坚定  detail>>
confirm on
确认  detail>>
to confirm
确认  detail>>
absent landlord
在外地主  detail>>
absentee landlord
不在地主, 不在房东 外居地主  detail>>
bankrupt landlord
破产地主, 没落地主  detail>>
corporate landlord
机构业主  detail>>
derivative landlord
转接地主 转接业主;居于别址的二房东  detail>>
despotic landlord
恶霸地主  detail>>
fugitive landlord
逃亡地主  detail>>
ground landlord
〔英国〕房产地主。   detail>>
immediate landlord
直接业主  detail>>
inferior landlord
下一级业主  detail>>
landlord and tenant
业主和租户 业主与租客(综合)条例(第7章)  detail>>